Hold the Space online workshop and discussion series
We are offering a new series of six conversations with the title of Hold the Space. We want you to hold a regular monthly slot in your diary and thematically we will “hold the space” to support chief executives in a safe environment for open and confidential dialogue. Please note, you don’t have to be a CEO – you could be a trustee or chair who is looking to better support your CEO.
Past events

Turning working relationships from unstable to supportive
How do we prevent toxic situations in the workplace? How can we work towards healthier and empathic relationships?
We explore the typical roles that people adopt at work as the starting point for a discussion about managing different types of people.
Of course, work situations aren’t just either toxic or wonderful – mostly they are okay, good enough or perhaps a bit difficult or awkward. We will explore how we can all practically improve how we work with each other and encourage our colleagues and co-creators to do so too.
Regular attenders will know our webinars are more an informal discussion, so bring a cuppa, relax and start the day with some fun and stimulating conversation.

Creating Space to think (and breathe)
We discuss practical tips for developing empathic leadership.

Leading from a position of vulnerability
In this session, we will look at what it is to lead from a position of vulnerability and how this can be used as a source of strength.
Dealing with your organisation’s lone wolves
How can we, as leaders and trustees, tackle the emerging organisational and societal enemies that are around us?
Leading with purpose webinar series
We are living through an extraordinary moment in time when we must act urgently to get to the end of the year, but we must also think long-term and do our best to Build Back Better.
Creative Help invites anyone in a leadership role, including CEOs, senior managers, chairs and trustees, to join us in four webinars exploring the theme of innovation.
Past events

Reinventing Structures
How can we, as leaders and trustees, improve our long-term prosperity as we struggle for day-to-day survival?
Reinventing Governance
Can we innovate to be more effective, more inclusive and more engaging?
Reinventing Direction
Can we transform the key organisation documents and make them more adaptable for our uncertain times?

Reinventing Planning
Can we adapt fast enough to our new context before we go bankrupt?
Who are we?
At Creative Help, we love to help people and places create. We are a consultancy practice born of a deep-seated belief in social justice and the ability of people and businesses to transform lives and communities.
We believe you have the answers to your challenges and our role is to take a creative approach to support your expertise through facilitation, coaching and consultancy. We also recognise that simply providing practical targeted creative help may be best for you, because sometimes just a little extra resource to jump the hurdle is enough.
Sign up to the Creative Help mailing list and receive updates about our work.
About the speakers
With backgrounds in governance and management in the arts and social enterprise, Gwilym Gibbons and David Williams are co-directors of Creative Help.